I turned round with the vague thought of getting a picture of them, when that instant a man steps up with a camera and off-board flash, crouches a little and zaps them from close up – just like Gilden.
They seemed completely unfazed by the experience.
I took the photo below a few seconds afterwards. The elderly American tourists are not featured - I thought they'd been photographed enough for one day.

Villiers Street.
Sure it wasnt the great man himself? How are you finding street photography in London, Paul? I've only tried a handful of times, but am never that happy with the results.
Hi Martin
This photographer was, I'd say, in his mid-30s and with long curly hair. So, definitely not Gilden!
London is quite a trek for me up from Dorset on the train, so I only get up to photograph for a day most months. But in terms of success rate per hours spent wandering around, it's my favourite location.
Keep an eye out on flickr dude :D
Ben - no sign of it yet...
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