Wednesday, December 31

Editioned street photography print sales

I’ve added some editioned prints to the sales part of my web site. Prices are in the region of £400 and can be found here:

I still offer some smaller, open edition prints for £30 or £40 here:

[Bournemouth seaside rides, buggy, helter skelter, roundabout, carousel]

[Half dog, Weymouth 2013]


Connie said...


all the best for 2015 and always a lens at hand!

I kept the last picture unopened until christmas and gave it as a present from myself to me...

I enjoy your shots so much and just recently I wrote about your work at my knitting blog, where I show some of your country-show-sheep...

have a look and enjoy,

your fan Connie

Paul Russell said...

Glad to hear the print arrived safely. Thanks for the blog post, and have a great 2015, Connie.

The Autumn Society said...

Hi nice reading your blog